Sports Carnival - Japanese Style

This post is a little overdue but I figured I'd share it still anyways.

On my birthday I went to watch the School sports carnival on a Saturday.

It's a really interesting thing, to see a sports carnival in Japan, as it distinguishes the differences in culture in so many ways between the West, and Japan.

For example. The sports are all team or group based. I don't think there were any individual events. There is also school dances and traditional chants that the entire school learns. All schools in Japan learn a dance or song like this. There were more but I can't remember now. There will be another sports day coming soon for my other school I'll see if I can document some more haha.

A concept of 3 legged race, Starts off with 3, that run half way and join another 3, who run halfway and join another 6, until the entire grade is joined.  HILARIOUS, falls are inevitable and painful and often half the group falls with one mistake haha.

Jump rope competition to get the most.  Record is 54.

Traditional Soran dance

Represents fishing, pulling in the nets and tilling the fields for a productive year...or something.