Halloween In Tokyo

Halloween in Tokyo has rapidly gained popularity in the last 5 years. As a culture which loves dressing up and the whole anime cosplay culture, dressing up for halloween seems intelligibly suited. Halloween is now big business and walking around Tokyo in the week leading up to Halloween you can see a transformation of the thousands of drab business suits into various costumes of all shapes and sizes.

We went to one of the biggest clubs in Tokyo which is out in the industrial district in an open warehouse overlooking the bay. Lots of dance floors and lots of space and it was a blast. The best part of the evening though was walking around with my friend and his costume. It is Kaonashi (literally no-face) which is a (very) famous character from a (very) popular movie here. The self-made costume struck a chord of nostalgia and amazement with everyone and just walking around Tokyo seeing everyone's reactions was priceless. Here's a video we made for it: