
Yaaay! I got another placement!

This time it's in Gotenba - right at the East foot of Mt.Fuji! Woohoo! Place looks like a decent size and the schools are reputedly really friendly to the ALT's that get placed there :D SO exciting!

It's famous for one of the biggest outdoor shopping malls in Japan which people catch day trip busses to from Tokyo to go shopping.  The entry point for the more difficult Fuji climb route.  And for some local Whisky I think.  Only 30 mins from the Shinkansen line to get to anywhere else in the country finances permitting.

I got a phone call at 8pm on Monday.  Ask me if I want the position.  Tell me to catch the shinkansen to Hamamatsu for more localized/refresher training on Tuesday and Wednesday.  To go to my house on Thursday and meet schools & teachers and do any shopping.  To be ready to teach a class (or several) on Friday! WHOAH! Righitio! Lets do this! :-D

Zoom Zoom.  Tokyo to Hamamatsu in 1.5 hrs.

Work puts me up in a hotel each night during training.  Not bad me thinks after 3 months of hostels :P