Nagano - Snow Monkeys!

After a great few weeks in Tokyo, and a few days with Mako and her family again in Tokyo, we made our way up the mountains to Nagano, to visit Masako's brother in Ueda.

Being with the family again was nice, it feels really comfortable being with them all they're all such a great family.  All of them love to talk lots, and if no one is listening continue to talk to themselves anyway haha!

The few days we had in Ueda were spent mainly going to nice mountain Onsen and eating delicious food.  Difficult life eh?  But we did go to see the Snow Monkeys.

A good drive through some snow to the mountain and then a good little 30 min walk or something to the hotsprings.  Only one 'clan' of the most dominant monkeys in the area are allowed to use the hotsprings and they kick out all weaker clans :P.

Cute as little blighters.  Their mannerisms and docile nature while taking a hot bath is very humanoid and fascinating to see up so close.

Serenitiy :)

Baby monkey had his seat taken by a bigger monkey.


Soo relaxed

Baby monkeys who have too much energy just play fight on the snow all the time and don't go into the boring pool

My lens was fogged from all the snow and made a weird effect.

An abandoned truck completely buried  by snowfall

Forest path