The n theory

What the n theory is, is how a persons opinion of a foreign country goes up and down when living as a new expat. (Source:couch surfer)

It starts off high, then you start missing things and comparing,then you again start to enjoy the differences, then you struggle again, and then language barrier gets easier and you enjoy again. That kind of thing.

I don't know though.last night clubbing I hated loud rude gaijin, hated smoking indoors.loved how polite people were in clubs.hated the train curfew. loved the music scene.hated the language barrier. Hated being subject to prejudice as a foreigner.didnt like being associated with loud rude foreigners. Liked the 24hr food places everywhere. A damn cacophony of opinions!
Time will tell if a trend starts to develop, in the meantime I think I prefer places with less of a gaijin population. Identity crisis maybe developing Haha jkjk