But lets face it, I'm shit at early mornings. The crowds of people frantically selling stuff, and the hordes of tourists which now congest the entire place just didn't seem so urgent for me to get to. So I got there late. By as early as 9am, things were already in pack up mode. Millions of boxes and freezing ice crates storing and packing the fish to be sold discount the next day, or shipped around the country. Still cool to see though.

Endless alleyways. Mostly packed up

Boxes and boxes upon boxes

Hand made knives. Over priced for tourism here though.

Salted barrels.

Snap frozen tuna. Cutting into smaller pieces with a band saw.

Head of a tuna. Every part is used and sold.

They also have a fresh fruit & veggie section of the market which is almost as big. Mangoes are prized possessions in Japan. This one is selling for approximately $65 AUD. You'd better hope it was tasty lol.